Filmemachen mit dem Smartphone mit Sibylle Trost

Filmmaker & Journalist

Sibylle Trost is a TV und print journalist. As a writer and director for television, Trost created 24 films for the documentary series 37° on ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, German public-service television broadcaster). Trost’s documentaries attracted approximately 60 million viewers, an average market share of 12%.

Sibylle Trost is also a writer for the German DIE ZEIT.


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  • Kurs-Smartphone-Video-Editor
    16. February 2021

    Media Academy Online Program

    Due to high demand, the workshop "Filming with the Smartphone - Editing on DaVinci Resolve" will be held regularly with Sibylle Trost in the program of the AG DOK Academy…
  • 6. June 2020

    Tripod in Corona Lockdown

    No mount, no tripod, no light, no external microphone on board? How to make a tripod for your Phone from a rapeseed oil bottle. I know, it sounds crazy, but…
  • YouTube

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    3. June 2020

    Basis Ausrüstung Smartphone Video

    Hier gebe ich meine Empfehlungen zur optimalen Basis Ausrüstung für professionelles Filmen mit dem Smartphone. Das Smartphone ist mit weniger als 200 Gramm die leichteste Kamera der Welt. Da kommt…


Our service portfolio includes: print journalism, TV reports, event and conventions films, and corporate web films. Sibylle Trost produces professional media products for all media platforms in cooperation with a creative network of experienced media professionals in Berlin


Texts which tell stories. People who make a difference. Content based on in-depth research. My journalistic work brings together these three elements.


High quality films for television, conventions, businesses and institutions. My focus is on lively documentaries; films that get in close and touch audiences.

Corporate films

Be authentic and tell a story: that is my motto. Effective corporate films should be lively reports with a clear message. No overblown language, no awkwardly staged scenes.


Moderating services for events and discussions about things that matter. As a moderator, I focus the issues, connect people, keep arguments to the point or involve the audience.

Media Tours

How do the media really work? This is a question I am often asked. I offer regular tours for private groups, students, companies and international visitors. Since 2014, I have been taking groups of...

Media Consultancy

As a media professional and out-of-the-box thinker, I can provide the media support your company needs to promote an unusual concept or imaginative idea. With over 20 years of experience in media,...


This is our track record. Here is a selection of Sibylle Trost’s work in a range of professional fields: print journalism, conventions and events, TV reports, corporate films
