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3. June 2020

Basis Ausrüstung Smartphone Video

Hier gebe ich meine Empfehlungen zur optimalen Basis Ausrüstung für professionelles Filmen mit dem Smartphone. Das Smartphone ist mit weniger als 200 Gramm die leichteste Kamera der…

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9. April 2020

Smartphone Video Class Online

In Corona Zeiten ist es unabdingbar und viele nutzen es bereits: das Smartphone als Kamera. Im Moment erlebt die mobile Kamera in den vier Wänden der Corona…
5. February 2020

Smartphone Video Workshop with Sibylle Trost

Smartphone as professional camera Using the smartphone as a camera for professional use in TV and cinema production: this was the topic of a workshop of the…
1. March 2019

Sound recording with the smartphone

Any smartphone video needs good sound quality. But how does that work? Is the internal microphone enough? Which sources of error can be avoided? What is important?…
28. August 2018

Biosciences Semester

Promotional video for the Germany Biosciences Semester Program with Professor Jeremy Wasser, Texas A&M University. This promotional video shows American students participating...
30. January 2018

Discover Berlin with media professionals

With our media agency we organize exciting media tours behind the screens: explore studios, understand dramaturgy, reveal fake news. With us you discover the world of media…
29. January 2018

Filmmaker shoot on Smartphone

More and more filmmakers are shooting on smartphones - not only casting videos and location memos. I feel the same way: the smartphone is small, handy and…
14. December 2016

TV IN YOUR POCKET丨Smartphone Workshop丨January 21

Be independent. Learn how to make marketing videos for your website or vlogs for your company. Workshop for those who already film with the App Filmic Pro. In this media workshop, you’ll learn from professionals: video reporter Jochen Klug and filmmaker Sibylle Trost will help you develop your storytelling, filming, cutting and posting skills. Your Booking:
15. November 2014

20 Years of 37° | ZDF

The documentary series 37° celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2014. S. Trost tops the list of writers for the series with 24 documentary films...